MV Norseman | Visit Port Douglas Daintree

MV Norseman

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69367337 2152223614883172 5331597583200550912 n
241206854 4034240970014751 3367980612779308633 n
221572873 3845545385550978 2984411520975153136 n
218416282 3829020653870118 2281419820219380543 n

'Norseman' is a household name in Port Douglas and with 25 years experience it also boasts the well-founded reputation as the best reef fishing charter in the region.

MV Norseman is a purpose-designed and custom-made vessel which has revolutionised fishing in the North due to its comfort, speed and high-tech superior fit out. Norseman will ensure you spend more time fishing for some of the best eating and fighting fish on the planet. How does catching a Coral Trout, a Red Emperor or a Mackerel sound to you?

From the beginner to the experienced angler - there is something for everyone on Norseman. It's time to escape your world and experience ours!

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