How Our Businesses Preserve Our Paradise | Visit Port Douglas Daintree




How Our Businesses Preserve Our Paradise

By Sharon Timms
12 Feb 2020. Last updated 21 Dec 2020

The Great Barrier Reef is an unparalleled wonder of nature renowned for its ecological importance and beauty. Improving and maintaining water quality along the Great Barrier Reef catchment area is one of the greatest challenges to the health of the reef. As custodians of the Great Barrier Reef and leaders for our global community, the people of Port Douglas and the Daintree have an opportunity to make a difference through implementing change into their work practices across agriculture, tourism and community development.

The 'Inspiring Steps Towards a Sustainable Shire' project is about preserving our paradise, and how little improvements can inspire change anyone can adopt to do at home or the workplace. We’ve singled out four leaders in the region, champions, who have made positive changes in their operations that have resulted in less water pollution. These short clips have been created to showcase the champions’ actions that have had economic, community and sustainability outcomes to inspire change in business practices throughout the Douglas Shire and beyond.

The Mossman Gorge Centre

The Mossman Gorge Centre recognises the unique relationship between the World Heritage listed Daintree Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef ecosystems, and that water quality and conservation practices in the rainforest directly impacts water quality on the reef. They are dedicated to conserving this unique environmental wonder for future generations to experience.

Sailaway Port Douglas

Sailaway Port Douglas has been running reef and island tours for almost two decades showcasing the Great Barrier Reef. They are a nationally awarded Advanced Ecotourism company and a Climate Action Leader with a passion for the environment.

Sweet Farm Tours

Sweet Farm Tours is a 4th generation family run sugar cane and cocoa farm that sits in between the Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef, so ensuring sustainable and environmental best practices is important for everyone. Thanks to their commitment to sustainable farming, Sweet Farm Tours have received accreditation with Ecotourism Australia and are also Smartcane BMP accredited – the world class standard for growing sugar cane in Australia.

The Port Douglas Beach House

The Port Douglas Beach House is a luxury accommodation property located on beachfront Four Mile Beach, and stands as an exceptional guide for sustainable practices in the holiday accommodation space. Many of the practices implemented by the house are innovative yet simple, effective and very easy for anyone to apply to their own home lives.

Want to know more? For more information on how you can enjoy an eco-friendly holiday in Port Douglas and the Daintree, please visit our Eco Holidays section by clicking here!

Perserve Our Paradise Blog Funding Acknowledgement Image

Main image courtesy of, Master Reef Guide on Sailaway Port Douglas.


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